Variety is the spice of life
● simplicity & normality ● Silent human features ●
●Active Path ●Spiritual Development, Spiritual Progress●
Spiritually ● Spiritual Moments ●♦ most important path for prayer ● Bhakti (devotion)♦ Most important points about God prayer● Full attention● Concentration of mind.● Holy inner Feeling of Heart● Main purpose of prayer:- is to lead one to do good, to refrain from evil, and to behave better towards others

Opposite to world
Spiritually ● Spiritual Moments ● Spiritual growth is exactly . ... joy, awakening, success, a fulfilling life, living in the moment, unconditional love, faith, forgiveness. spiritual knowledge but how much do you share and positively add and influence others
Spiritually ● Spiritual Moments ● Spiritual growth is exactly . ... joy, awakening, success, a fulfilling life, living in the moment, unconditional love, faith, forgiveness. spiritual knowledge but how much do you share and positively add and influence others
●Spiritual Development, Spiritual Progress●

Spiritually ● Spiritual Moments ●!!sometime we are not happy with life. we don't know what to do●the Happy Ending ..........not so true everytime
●school is off ●we Are missing real Education & The true Knowledge in our life ● It's always important to grow and gain new knowledge. It is up to us to take the initiative and open up new doors for ourselves , but real education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain ...all around develpment of the body ,mind and soul of the individual Stay ●Hungry… For Learning
Garhwali Music Garhwali Songs, Soundtracks I Love Garhwali Songs am listening songs from last three years but I am not able to ..... Sometimes it is very difficult to understand Garhwali language lyrics I'm really enjoyingGarhwali Songs

Opposite to world

● Keep Looking, Don't Settle,If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle ●